brython|brythons in English


person who speaks Welsh or Cornish; Brito

Use "brython|brythons" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "brython|brythons" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "brython|brythons", or refer to the context using the word "brython|brythons" in the English Dictionary.

1. What does Brythonic mean? Of or relating to the Brythons or their language or culture

2. The Brythonic languages (from Welsh brython, “Briton”) are or were spoken on the island of Great Britain and consist of Welsh, Cornish, and Breton

3. A battle will be on the river Byrri, And the Brython will be victorious; The men of Gwhyr will perform acts of heroism

4. Dun Brython welcomes all who approach the Brythonic deities with a reverential attitude regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, mental health, spiritual path, or location

5. The Brythonic (Brythonec) Language is a language, derived from Welsh, Breton, Scottish, Irish, and English, that was the official language of Great Brython until its eventual collapse

6. Britoness; Têkildar [biguherîne] Britton; Brit, British, Britisher; Breton; Etîmolojî [biguherîne] Ji fransiya kevn Breton, ji latînî Britto an ji zimanên keltî (weylsî Brython)

7. The Britons (also called Brythons) were the people who spoke a Celtic language known as Common Brittonic.They lived in Great Britain during the Iron Age, Roman Britain and the Sub-Roman period following the Romans' departure from Britain

8. The Britons (also called Brythons) were the people who spoke a Celtic language known as Common Brittonic. They lived in Great Britain during the Iron Age, Roman Britain and the Sub-Roman period following the Romans' departure from Britain.

9. Bryaceous Bryales Bryan Bryanite Bryansk Bryant bryanthi bryanthus bryanthuses Bryce Canyon National Park Bryde's whale Brynhild brynza bryo-bryobia mite bryological bryologist bryology Bryonies bryony bryophyllum Bryophyta bryophyte bryophytic Bryopsidaceae Bryopsis Bryozoa bryozoan bryozoologist Brython Brythonic Bryum brz bs b's BS BSA BSAE

10. Brythonic (adj.) "of the (Celtic) Britons, Welsh," 1884, from Welsh Brython, cognate with English Briton, both from Latin Britto.Introduced into modern English by Welsh Celtic scholar Professor John Rhys (1840-1915) to avoid the confusion of using Briton / British with …

11. Y Brython A monthly non-denominational Welsh language periodical that published articles on literature, antiquities and folklore, The periodical was edited by the pharmacist, writer and printer, Robert Isaac Jones (Alltud Eifion, 1815-1905), between June and October 1858 and 1860-1863, with the lexicographer Daniel Silvan Evans (1818-1903), taking over as editor